
Did your smile go “South”?

I have seen far too many patients in my office that have been mishandled because they sought orthodontic treatment in Mexico.

Usually the conversation goes like this...

"I have had my braces on for over 2 years and I just don't think they are getting any straighter"....

"My braces are always falling off of my teeth"....

"I am so tired of driving and crossing the border"....

"I wanted to save money, but I don’t think I am getting a deal"....

..."can you help?"

The answer is “Yes”. If you feel you are not receiving adequate care, please call our office and we can visit about how to proceed. Consultations are at no charge.

If you have further questions or would like to schedule a consultation, you can call Cook Orthodontics (928) 267-1697 OR email us at