Braces can align your teeth. But they cannot align your jawbones. Not much, anyway. And if you are done growing, then that ship has sailed.

If your bite is significantly off, sometimes the only way to correct an actual “skeletal discrepancy” is to move the bones themselves. And that means surgery.

Gone are the days of wiring your mouth shut and sipping through a straw! We have excellent oral surgeons in Yuma. They can get your bones to line up. We will refer you to an Oral Surgeon when the time is right to discuss your surgical questions.

But the first step is taking orthodontic records and getting your teeth straightened with braces. We will probably spend a year or so getting things set for your surgery, and you will have braces on after your surgery to ensure things are set.

Surgical Orthodontics

Private practice and being part of the Cleft Palate team have allowed me to do many surgical orthodontic cases. From simple to complex, the results have always been a significant improvement. In addition, I have not had a patient unhappy about their decision to have surgery.

Her teeth were crooked and straight, and then her bite was corrected. This advancement of her maxilla changed not just her taste and profile. Of course, she was nervous in the beginning but was delighted.

Confidence in your orthodontist and oral surgeon is essential. If a surgical correction is part of your orthodontic treatment plan, rest assured that you are in good hands. We will explain every step of the way and make sure you have every question answered.

E-mail Dr. Cook at; he will respond personally to any questions within 24 hours.

Or call or text @ (928) 267-1697, and we will help you get started on your path to a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY SMILE!